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The learning

New world? New worries?

Proceedings of the 3rd International
Interactive Multimedia Symposium
Perth, Western Australia. 21-25 January 1996

Clare McBeath and Roger Atkinson (Editors)

© Copyright 1996 Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd
Copyright in individual articles remains with the author or authors.

ISBN 1 86308 045 7

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Harry EdgarPrefaceiii-iv
Clare McBeath and Roger AtkinsonEditorial Commentv-vi

Invited keynote addresses

Sir John DanielNew kids on the box: Distance education enters its third generation1-9
Parvati DevThe many faces of technology in medical education10-14
Phillip DoddsContent: The interactive multimedia common denominator15
John Hedberg, Barry Harper, Robert Wright and Grant FarrMetaphors for authoring interactive multimedia16-21
Rod SimsPathways to dynamic networked learning: Initiatives in flexible design and delivery of education and training22-27
Brian StanfordInteractive multimedia in education28-37
Eric WainwrightNetworked government services: Emerging Australian policies and development38-45
Velvin WatsonBringing scientific expeditions into the schools46-49
Sandra WillsInterface to interactivity50-55

Parallel session papers

John Bain and Carmel McNaughtAcademics educational conceptions and the design and impact of computer software in higher education56-59
George Borzyskowski, Rhonda James and Anthony TempleWrong way go back: A turnkey interactive multimedia system presenting legal awareness issues to a youth audience60-64
Anna Boyd, Glen Chisholm, Martin Dougiamas, Robert Fox, Allan Herrmann, Rod Kevill and Des ThorntonDeveloping a CMCS for technophobes65-72
Allan BriggsMultimedia performance support systems for industry73-79
Gulcin Cribb and Janine SchmidtMultimedia on the net, on disk: Are universities ready for it?80-86
M. Crock, F. Nouwens and J. RichardsMultimedia architects and the politics of success87-94
Sir John DanielImplementing a technology strategy for a mega-university: The INSTILL project95-98
Robyn Devenish, Robert Oostryck and Rod KevillHaematology tutorial99-106
Peter Devitt and Edward PalmerClinical medicine: Can the computer replace the patient?107-112
Andrew Dorrell and David LoweScalable visual information in multimedia113-118
M. H. Edwards and P. J. TrigwellCurrentTechniques in Surgery: A new universal language, a new literature, and a new multimedia training tool for operative surgery on CD-ROM119-122
Allan Ellis, Roger Debreceny and Robert CragoHalf a decade of audiographics development: A case history of Electronic Classroom and its users123-136
Steve FisherNetwork multimedia: A learning support system137-139
Athula Ginige, Varuni Witana and Zhenya YourloUse of the world wide web in the delivery of education: A case study140-148
Anne Gooley and Stephen TowersTurning ocean liners: Managing interactive technology innovation149-159
John Hedberg and Barry HarperInteractive educational technologies: Effective design and application in the classroom160-168
Jan Herrington and Ron OliverThe effective use of interactive multimedia in education: Design and implementation issues169-176
David J. Hobbs and D. J. MoorePolicies for the introduction of multimedia systems177-183
Brenton HoneymanScience centres and world wide web: The interactive challenge184-186
Jeff James, John Jones and K.P. KwanImplementation of modern educational technologies187-191
Dorota Kieronska and Sevetha VenkateshMedia independent knowledge indexing and retrieval192-196
Chris Kirtley and Rob PhillipsMovement Toolbox: An interactive multimedia package for studying human movement197-202
Brian von KonskyUsing the world wide web as a delivery mechanism for distributed educational multimedia203-212
Richard G. KunkelTwo countries, two class sizes, one teaching method213-220
David B. Lowe and Athula GinigeAuthoring of visual information in multimedia221-228
David B. Lowe and Athula GinigeMATILDA: A framework for the representation and processing of information in Multimedia systems229-236
Anthony LuskVirtual reality or virtual unreality237-241
Dorit Maor and Rob PhillipsDeveloping a multimedia package for teaching thinking skills242-248
Jenifer Marshall and S. DaleCALGroup: A project using computer aided learning in the teaching and learning of undergraduate engineers249-254
Jenifer Marshall and Paul DoneyOpenMath: An integrated course for the teaching and learning of foundation mathematics255-259
Robin MasonLarge scale distance teaching and the convergence of telecommunications and multimedia260-266
Catherine McLoughlinA learning conversation: Dynamics, collaboration and learning in computer mediated communication267-273
John Messing, A. Birks and E. L. CardosaMultimedia wine making274-279
Douglas G. MyersThe perspective for content addressable multimedia databases280-286
Douglas G. Myers, Vei Ming Chong and Chun Che FungA multimedia approach to disseminating engineering standards287-290
Larry R. NelsonThe Internet as a multimedia snailway291-297
Rainer NybergUsing the world wide web to improve higher education298-302
Ron OliverInteractions in multimedia learning materials: The things that matter303-308
Rob PhillipsA methodology for developing educational applications of interactive multimedia309-315
Chris PilgrimMulti-modal learning: A case study316-322
Greg PollockThe essential elements of multimedia: Content is not the only answer323-327
Syed M. Rahman, Kei NamTsoi and Graham DettrickMultimedia as an educational tool: an overview and the future328-335
Syed M. Rahman and Kei Nam TsoiHypertext markup language as a tool for collaborative multimedia courseware336-334
Geoff Rehn and Roger AtkinsonRemote access to the Internet345-354
Geoff RingInterface design considerations for educational multimedia355-361
John Robertson and John LeaneyPrinciples of link composition for hypermedia titles362-370
Michael Ross and John MerakovskyYour mentor on the Superhighway: Just in time multimedia training for corporate and government371-380
Robert ScottDriver education for the information highway381-383
Peter StandenRealism and imagination in educational multimedia simulations384-390
Joanne StubbsEstablishing a multimedia project team391-396
William TanImplementing an interactive multimedia application on the world wide web397-404
Steven D. TrippModifying the EXPLORER system for ESL/EFL405-411
Martyn Wild and Denise KirkpatrickMultimedia as cognitive tools: Students working with a performance support system412-418
Neil WillisResearch, arts, information and service: The RAIS against time at Leeds Metropolitan University419-425
May Wong, Edward Hettiaratchi, Elizabeth Post, Tran-Dinh Hoang and Christine Anne BrownThe virtual teaching hospital426-430
Hilary Yerbury and Ross J. ToddLearning beyond the familiar zone431-438
Zhenya Yourlo, Athula Ginige and Varuni WitanaA maintainable solution for publishing documents on the world wide web439-446

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