Roger Atkinson's
Personal Home Page

Salmon gums on Great Northern Highway between Walebing and Bindi Bindi
In development... this page provides links to a number of voluntary activities in which I have a continuing role after my early retirement on 22 June 2001 from Murdoch University's Teaching and Learning Centre. These include:

Some of the activities listed above have migrated from websites previously hosted at However, all URLs previously on cleo, including redirects to new websites, went offline with the retirement of cleo on 24 Oct 2002. Use of the email address ended in mid-2001.

[ Clare McBeath's Personal Website ]
Author: Roger Atkinson,
Unit 5, 202 Coode Street, Como WA 6152, Australia. Tel: +61 8 9367 1133
[Pre-2002 address 23 Gibson Street, Mt Pleasant WA 6153, Australia is being forwarded]
This URL last revised 25 June 2022:
Previous URL 24 June 2003 to 4 June 2009:
Previous URL 11 June 2001 to 24 June 2003: