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The IT in higher education series: All 35 columns, 2004-2019
- IT in higher education column: A retrospective. HERDSA Connect, 41(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/41-1.html (2019)
- The Banking Royal Commission and the price of everything. HERDSA Connect, 40(3).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/40-3.html (2018)
- Artificial intelligence versus natural stupidity. HERDSA News, 40(2).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/40-2.html (2018)
- ICT: An editor's grumpy old person perspective. HERDSA News, 39(3).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/39-3.html (2017)
- Is there a dark side of academia's Internet? HERDSA News, 39(2).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/39-2.html (2017)
- OER: Open educational resources revisited. HERDSA News, 39(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/39-1.html (2017)
- Does mobile friendly work for you? HERDSA News, 38(3).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/38-3.html (2016)
- University educators are innovators too! HERDSA News, 38(2).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/38-2.html (2016)
- Bibliometrics: A fifty years perspective. HERDSA News, 38(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/38-1.html (2016)
- Free Wi-Fi everywhere! HERDSA News, 37(3).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/37-3.html (2015)
- Textbooks free and online! What are our universities doing? HERDSA News, 37(2).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/37-2.html (2015)
- Can we learn anything from an edtech journal archive? Creative innovations and AJET 1985-2007. HERDSA News, 37(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/37-1.html (2015)
- The "right to be forgotten": A tale of two Australian cases. HERDSA News, 36(3).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/36-3.html (2014)
- MOOCs revisited: An Aesop's Fables perspective. HERDSA News, 36(2).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/36-2.html (2014)
- From software patent wars to cloud computing: How the LMS has evolved. HERDSA News, 36(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/36-1.html (2014)
- Academic journals: Are open access article publishing charges enabling a dark side? HERDSA News, 35(3).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/35-3.html (2013)
- Massive open online courses: Is there a lesson for our academic professional associations? HERDSA News, 35(2).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/35-2.html (2013)
- "Burning the midnight oil": Time and date stamps on email for a conference publishing activity. HERDSA News, 35(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/35-1.html (2013)
- Technology and control of feedback: My encounters with ROCI. HERDSA News, 33(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/33-1.html (2011)
- ARC announces a Tier Review Process. HERDSA News, 32(3).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/32-3.html (2010)
- Bibliometrics out, journalmetrics in! HERDSA News, 32(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/32-1.html (2010)
- Podcasting and recording revisited: A lecture theatre perspective. HERDSA News, 31(2).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/31-2.html (2009)
- E-theses: Will online change the thesis tradition? HERDSA News, 31(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/31-1.html (2009)
- E-books, eBooks, freebooks: Will online replace traditional books? HERDSA News, 30(3).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/30-3.html (2008)
- Bibliometrics: An IT perspective. HERDSA News, 30(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/30-1.html (2008)
- Can we trust web based surveys? HERDSA News, 29(3).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/29-3.html (2007)
- Web 2.0: Next-g, a sequel, or more of the same? HERDSA News, 29(2).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/29-2.html (2007)
- The new media and emerging forms of publication. HERDSA News, 29(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/29-1.html (2007)
- Podcasting: Do you really need to know? HERDSA News, 28(3).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/28-3.html (2006)
- Has Blackboard become Blackbeard? HERDSA News, 28(2).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/28-2.html (2006)
- The copyright times they are a-changin'. HERDSA News, 28(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/28-1.html (2006)
- The WebCT-Blackboard merger: Will it fulfil corporate expectations? HERDSA News, 27(3).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/27-3.html (2005)
- Plagiarism: The technologies as both enabling and counteracting agents HERDSA News, 27(2).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/27-2.html (2005)
- Technology interactions: Blogs and wikis: What'll they think of next? HERDSA News, 27(1).
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/27-1.html (2005)
- Technology interactions: Scholarly publishing. HERDSA News, 26(3), 19-21.
http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/26-3.html (2004)
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HTML author: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]
This URL (created 9 Feb 2019): http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/herdsa-news/all-columns.html