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ADEnet Project Phase 2: A proposal
Background and context
The purpose of this proposal is to expand the ADEnet Project into a
second phase. It arises from discussions at the meeting of NCODE on
12 October 1993, which resulted in an invitation to the ADEnet
Project coordinator to submit a proposal for two new sites, Brisbane
and Canberra.
The ADEnet Project (Australian Distance Education network) was
awarded $91,000 from Reserve Fund 1991. As a national project, it
aimed to provide external students with local telephone call access
to AARNet, for computer mediated communications to their
universities, at costs considerably lower than the alternative,
Telecom's Austpac service (Atkinson, 1992). After overcoming a
considerable number of technical difficulties, the ADEnet Project
now provides university distance education students with local call
dialup access for the following telephone districts or "sites"
(Atkinson, 1993a, 1993b):
- Sydney - University Centre (conducted jointly by Charles Sturt, New England and Wollongong Universities) 16 modems
- Melbourne - Monash University 16 modems
- Perth - Murdoch University 1.5 modems (average share of pool)
- Dubbo, NSW - Orana Community College (NSW TAFE) 2 modems
- Adelaide - University of South Australia (installation in progress) 2 modems
Problems addressed
ADEnet Project Phase 2 addresses the problem that a number of capital
cities do not have an ADEnet facility. The ADEnet project is
concerned with replacing Austpac access, which is slow, expensive,
and less amenable to developing user friendly software, with local
call dialup and AARNet carriage of trunk traffic, where this is
economically and technically feasible. This approach is especially
important in relation to the increasing amounts of library services
traffic, which demands longer connect times and larger data volumes
than is typical with email. ADEnet is now functioning very
satisfactorily at the sites established under the initial NPRF grant
and extension to other capital city sites can be undertaken readily.
The two largest gaps in terms of numbers of prospective users are
Brisbane and Canberra.
Objectives and activities
The objectives for ADEnet Phase 2 are to extend ADEnet coverage to
Brisbane and Canberra, using the technical knowledge and installation
routines developed by the Project for the Sydney and Melbourne sites
(Atkinson, 1992, 1993b).
The proposed manager for Phase 2 is the ADEnet coordinator:
Dr Roger Atkinson
Acting Director of External Studies, External Studies Unit,
Murdoch University, Murdoch WA 6150.
Voice 09 360 2240 fax 09 310 4929 Email: atkinson@cleo.murdoch.edu.au
Griffith University has expressed interest in hosting the Brisbane
site, and University of Canberra has expressed interest in hosting
the Canberra site. Contact persons for negotiations are available and
have been briefed in both cases. As is the case with existing sites,
assets purchased for the proposed Phase 2 will be recorded on the
Assets Register of the site's host university, and management of the
terminal server and modems will be vested in an appropriate unit of
the host university.
Intended outcomes
The intended outcomes are two new ADEnet sites, as listed in the
budget. The proposed new sites and all existing sites offer the
option of integration into future arrangements which may develop
under plans arising from the proposed OLINET tender, subject to the
provision that any university not in the same telephone district and
wishing to have its host computers listed as permitted rlogin/telnet
destinations from the any of the available terminal servers will be
given that service. The host universities for the new ADEnet sites
will obtain listing at any other site if desired.
Budget and timetable
Brisbane site (large site, 8 modems) (a) (b) | $20,000 |
Canberra (medium site, 4 modems) (a) (b) | $12,000 |
Staffing relief (1 month temporary Lect A) (c) | $3,000 |
Total | $35,000 |
- The proposed timetable for is 1 December 93 to end February 1994.
The main activities are finalise site agreements, purchase
equipment, install, test and disseminate advice to the
universities using ADEnet facilities.
- Cost estimates are based conservatively on those given by
Atkinson (1993b): large site, $2,500 per modem, and medium site
$3,000. In cases for which site costs are more favourable than
estimated, any surplus will be invested in additional capacity.
Site capacity requirements (number of modems and phone lines) are
estimated from previous surveys undertaken by the ADEnet Project,
and knowledge of demand gained from current sites. An interim
installation of 4 modems (small site basis) could be made in
Brisbane for $12,000.
- The provision is for staffing relief at the External Studies Unit,
Murdoch University, and for technical staff to provide an
installation service. The first phase of the ADEnet Project
proceeded too slowly owing to inadequate provision for staffing.
Dissemination and evaluation
An established dissemination avenue is available through the emailing
list for ADEnet contacts, and via files available by anonymous ftp
from cleo.murdoch.edu.au, directory /pub/Res-and-Dev (filenames for
the major reports are given below). As the universities using ADEnet
sites undertake dissemination to their own distance education and
open learning students, evaluations by means of student
questionnaires distributed electronically should be undertaken
through these universities. Data on modem utilisation and
rlogin/telnet destinations is available from the Sydney site and
similar data from other sites is expected to be available in the
Atkinson, R. (1993). Managing network access for open learning. In A. Ellis and B. Hansen (eds), Access Through Open Learning Occasional Papers, Volume 3, 1-14. Lismore, NSW: UNE-NR (Southern Cross University). http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/confs/atkinson-acc-ol93.html
Atkinson, R. (1993b). ADEnet: A national project to achieve low cost access to computing resources for distance students. Supplementary Report June 1993 by WADEC to DEET on a National Priority (Reserve) Fund Project. Perth: WADEC and Murdoch University External Studies Unit. http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/projects/adenet-nprf-supp-rept93.html
Atkinson, R. (1992). ADEnet: A national project to achieve low cost access to computing resources for distance students. Report to the DEET on a 1991 National Priority (Reserve) Fund Project by the Western Australian Distance Education Consortium. Perth: WADEC and Murdoch University External Studies Unit. http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/projects/adenet-nprf-rept92.html
Roger Atkinson, Acting Director of External Studies
External Studies Unit, Murdoch University, Murdoch WA 6150.
Voice 09 360 2240 fax 09 310 4929
Email: atkinson@cleo.murdoch.edu.au
6 November 1993
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Original created 6 Nov 93. HTML last revised: 12 May 99.
Author: Roger Atkinson [atkinson@cleo.murdoch.edu.au]
This URL: http://www.roger-atkinson.id.au/pubs/projects/adenet-nprf-ph2-proposal.html
Previous URL: http://cleo.murdoch.edu.au/asu/edtech/net_access/reports/Ph2prop.html