Proceedings: All presentations
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Clare Alderson | Online quizzes | [Abstract] |
Paul Alexander, Carmela Briguglio, Steve Johnson, Jane Pearce, Sarah Veitch, Siri Barrett-Lennard & Euan Harvey | Embedding communication and literacy in the curriculum (55 Minute Symposium) | [Abstract] |
Peter Allen, Amanda Lourenco & Lynne Roberts | Data fabrication and falsification in undergraduate psychology honours projects | [Abstract] |
Catherine Archer & Katharina Wolf | Guiding an invisible team: A first hand insight into virtual leadership | [Abstract] |
Christopher Barrett-Lennard | Teacher perspectives on international students and international education | [Abstract] |
Frank Bate & Carole Steketee | Implementation of a hybrid mobile web learning environment in the health professions: A design based research approach | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
Lisa Bell | Using problem based scenarios to help bridge the gap between theory and praxis in pre-service teacher preparation | [Abstract] |
Dawn Bennett & John Freeman | Portfolios, protean careers and the theatre: Preparing for diversity | [Abstract] |
Daniel Boase-Jelinek, Jenni Parker & Jan Herrington | Peer reviews: What can we learn from our students? | [Abstract] [Research] |
Carmela Briguglio & Shalini Watson | The core of the learning environment: Embedding English language development across the curriculum | [Abstract] |
Chantel L Burchill & Jan Meyer | Using Microsoft PowerPoint beyond developing a series of lectures | [Abstract] |
Alistair Campbell & Christine Lovering | Update: The third cycle of live group performance assessment and feedback using three expert markers and iPads | [Abstract] |
Michelle Carey & Michael Prince | Redesigning Australian Indigenous Studies at Murdoch University: Keeping it relevant | [Abstract] |
Roslyn (Rose) Carnes | Getting things "white": The need for non-Indigenous cultural self awareness | [Abstract] |
Sandra E Carr, Zarrin Seema Siddiqui, Diana Jonas-Dwyer & Susan Miller | Enhancing feedback for students across a health sciences faculty | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
Joanne Castelli, Nancy Longnecker & Mzamose Gondwe | Using peer feedback as part of the first year student experience | [Abstract] |
Denise Chalmers, Rick Cummings, Sue Stoney, Sofia Elliott, Jon Yorke & Di Gardiner | Professionalisation of the academic workforce | [Abstract] |
Hui Jun Chih | Reflecting on postgraduate students' reflective comments for effective unit design and delivery | [Abstract] |
Gemma Clarke, Kristina Georgiou & Endah Ibrahim | Embedding communication skills in two first year Business units: The lecturers' perspective | [Abstract] |
Gemma Clarke, Khulile Dlamini & Jocelyn Robinson | Post enrolment language assessment: Six years of experience | [Abstract] |
Chris Creagh | "Work it out": Novice to expert: Multiple representations (55 Minute Workshop) | [Abstract] |
Jill Darby & Anne Polley | VoxPops: Innovative teaching tools to engage health science students | [Abstract] |
Vaille Dawson & Marianne McLaughlin | Developing educational research skills in early career academics | [Abstract] |
Alexander Dawson & Antonia Girardi | The impact of academic instructor feedback on self and peer evaluation perceptions: An examination of student evaluations within a team setting | [Abstract] |
Sharon Delmege & Lauren O'Mahony | Creativity and curriculum design | [Abstract] |
Carmela de Maio, Anibeth Desierto & Andrea Dodo-Balu | Supporting students in a foundation unit through embedding sessions and workshops: Learning Advisors and Business Edge collaborate | [Abstract] |
Yu Dong & Anthony Lucey | Relationships between student satisfaction and assessment grades in a first year engineering unit | [Abstract] [Research] |
Mark Drechsler | Moodle Analytics: Past, present and future | [Abstract] |
Katie Dunworth, Helen Drury, Cynthia Kralik, Tim Moore & Denise Mulligan | Student English language development in Australia's universities: Developing an institutional approach | [Abstract] |
Susan Edgar | How do we engage male learners in higher education? | [Abstract] |
Ahmed El-Mowafy | Evaluation of peer assessment of fieldwork as an assessment and learning method | [Abstract] |
Ahmed El-Mowafy, Michael Kuhn & Tony Snow | A blended learning approach in higher education: A case study from surveying education | [Abstract] [Research] |
Sarah Etherington | Looking beyond the laboratory: Finding time to encourage development of a global perspective in a content driven biology unit | [Abstract] |
Ray Fells & Shannon Johnston | Reflecting on a new educational approach to developing skills of reflection in action in a Masters unit on negotiation | [Abstract] |
Catherine Ferguson & Lisa Duffy | Attributes of quality teachers in higher education: Developing a new taxonomy (55 Minute Workshop) | [Abstract] |
Sonia Ferns, Calvin Smith & Leoni Russell | Development of employability capability across a degree program: Validating measures of employability and work integrated learning dimensions | [Abstract] |
Siobhan Finn | Teaching language and culture through film | [Abstract] |
Kim Flintoff, Jacqui Kelly, Judy Schrape & Kuki Singh | Engaging students with learning technologies: A reflection on the process | [Abstract] |
Sue Fyfe, Georgina Fyfe, Jan Meyer, Mel Ziman, Kathy Sanders & Julie Hill | Formative and summative assessment in Human Biology: Reflecting on test performance and feedback | [Abstract] |
Stephanie Gilkes | Taking the broader view of student outcomes: Lessons from VET sector evaluation | [Abstract] |
Joginder Kaur Gill & Zed Rengel | Designing an online lecture in the discipline of Soil Science | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
Hayley Goullée & Kimberley Roehrig | Guided conversations: A new online teaching module brings cancer education to a greater cohort of learners | [Abstract] |
Zarinah Hamid, Mior Nasir & Mior Nazri | The inclination of information and communication technology students towards entrepreneurship | [Abstract] |
Phil Hancock, Gillian Dale-Jones & Keith Willey | Impact of collaborative peer and self assessment on students' judgment and written communication | [Abstract] [Research] |
Grant Harris | ACODE benchmarks ARMS Module | [Abstract] |
Sandra Hesterman & Dani Boase-Jelinek | Designing, developing and evaluating authentic online educational assessment | [Abstract] |
Gregory S.C. Hine | The importance of action research in teacher education programs | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
David Holloway & Donell Holloway | Massive open online courses: A real threat to university learning and teaching? | [Abstract] |
Leah Irving & Julie Hoffman | Location based augmented reality: Towards Indigenous cultural sustainability | [Abstract] |
Mark Israel | What is the point? Building careers after a National Teaching Award | [Abstract] |
Alison Jaquet & Elaine Lopes | Broadening participation: Fairer pathways to UWA? | [Abstract] |
Elizabeth Johnson | Changing the Game: The Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS) National Centre for Teaching and Learning for Science and Mathematics | [Abstract] |
Shannon Johnston, Silvia Dewiyanti, Martin Hill, Rob Phillips & Sue Stoney | Is the captured lecture the death of good, innovative, flexible pedagogical practice? (55 Minute Symposium) | [Abstract] |
Ranjna Kapoor | Promoting student engagement with feedback for report writing in first year engineering | [Abstract] |
Robert Kennelly & Lee Partridge | Making time at Teaching and Learning Forum 2013 to TATAL (talk about teaching and learning) (55 Minute Workshop) | [Abstract] |
Steve Klomp & Megan Paull | Involving our peers in developing our teaching (55 Minute Symposium) | [Abstract] |
Ann Kosovich, Dimity Wehr & Raelene Tifflin | Reflecting on the academic in the flipped classroom space (55 Minute Workshop) | [Abstract] |
David Lamb | Student engagement: What is it and how well are we doing it? | [Abstract] |
Roselynn Lang & Keith McNaught | Embedding reflective writing in a Business Internship unit | [Abstract] |
Abigail Lewis | Speech pathology students' responses to e-portfolios | [Abstract] |
Nancy Longnecker, Joanne Castelli & Mzamose Gondwe | Is lecture attendance and participation in large first year classes a lost cause? | [Abstract] |
Alexandra Ludewig & Iris Ludewig-Rohwer | Does web based role play establish a high quality learning environment? Design versus evaluation | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
Sally Male & Dawn Bennett | Engineering students' identities and motivation | [Abstract] |
Sally Male & Robin King | Enhancing industry engagement in engineering degrees | [Abstract] |
Ellen McGuckin | The value of international experiences for medical students as perceived by medical students and clinical staff | [Abstract] |
Keith McNaught & Gerard Hoyne | Testing program reveals deficient mathematics for health science students commencing university | [Abstract] [Research] |
Keith McNaught & Jane Mangano | When PELA results are dismissed: Addressing the implications of students' inaccurate perceptions of skill levels | [Abstract] |
Jenna Mead & Tracy Frayne | The developing narrative of the BPhil (Hons) online Centre for Undergraduate Research and the design behind its unit | [Abstract] |
Nicki Mitchell, Maggie Triska, Nancy Longnecker & Richard Weatherill | Increasing environmental engagement through the use of a citizen science program in undergraduate biology | [Abstract] |
Catherine Moore & Susan Teather | Engaging students in peer review: Feedback as learning | [Abstract] [Research] |
Angus Morrison-Saunders & Julia Hobson | Subject centred learning enables effective tertiary teaching | [Abstract] [Research] |
Sid Nair, Beatrice Tucker, Christina Ballantyne & David Collings | The nuts and bolts of evaluations: A practitioner's perception (55 Minute Symposium) | [Abstract] |
Rhonda Oliver, Debra Bennell & Judith Rochecouste | The transition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students into higher education | [Abstract] |
Daniel Oswald, Steven Hinckley & Graham Wild | Low cost educational video for first year undergraduate students using oscilloscopes | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
Fernando F. Padró & Anita Frederiks | Evaluating the impact of the learning centre on student learning and satisfaction | [Abstract] [Research] |
Jenni Parker, Dorit Maor & Jan Herrington | Under the hood: How an authentic online course was designed, delivered and evaluated | [Abstract] [Research] |
Raphael Pereira | Developing and evaluating a voluntary peer learning support program: A case study | [Abstract] |
Rob Phillips, Kate Makowiecka, Jenni Parker, Martin Cake & Chris Creagh | Embedding Open Education at universities: Issues to resolve | [Abstract] |
Rob Phillips, Clare McLaren & John Dakin | Principles and standards for modern learning space design | [Abstract] |
Coralie Rendalls | Weaving a teaching and learning tapestry: Using the power of the humble hyperlink in Moodle | [Abstract] |
Lynne Diane Roberts, Lauren J. Breen & Maxine Symes | Teaching computer assisted qualitative data analysis to a large cohort of undergraduate students: An evaluation | [Abstract] |
Ken Robinson & Jacqui Patten | E-portfolios and transformative learning | [Abstract] |
Kimberley Roehrig, Tim Inglis & Wendy Erber | Training scientists for 21st century careers | [Abstract] |
Kim Scott, Dawn Bessarab, Marion Kickett, Simon Forrest, Julie Hoffman, Angela Durey, Kate Taylor, Karen Reys, Judy Katzenellenbogen & Sue Jones | Working together: Indigenous and non-Indigenous health educators as intercultural leaders for change | [Abstract] |
Rowena H. Scott & Eddie van Etten | Environmental and conservation volunteering as workplace integrated learning | [Abstract] [Research] |
Tushar Kanti Sen | Industry visit beneficial for student's learning in Process Instrumentation and Control unit | [Abstract] |
Manjula Sharma, Will Rifkin, Marjan Zadnik, Vicky Tzioumis, Stephanie Beames, Elizabeth Johnson, Cristina Varsavsky, Andrea Crampton, Simon Pyke, Kelly Matthews, Susan Jones & Brian Yates | Action learning projects to build leadership capacity and communities of practice: SaMnet update | [Abstract] |
Natalie Skead & Kate Bondett | Storytelling, the student experience and a smart phone | [Abstract] |
Dorothy Spiller & Trudy Harris | Learning from evaluations: Probing the reality | [Abstract] [Research] |
Dorothy Spiller & Trudy Harris | Making it real: Pathways from student evaluations to professional development (55 Minute Workshop) | [Abstract] |
Michael Stein | Supervising international student group projects in Asia: Towards intercultural engagement | [Abstract] |
Teh Eng Choo (Elaine) & Megan Paull | Reducing the prevalence of plagiarism: A model for staff, students and universities | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
Rhondda Tilbrook | Does the unit development process work? | [Abstract] |
David Tripp | Improving teaching and learning through action learning (55 Minute Workshop) | [Abstract] |
Iris Vardi | The impact of feedback on students' written assignments | [Abstract] |
Patrick Vu | The rise of online education and its potential impact on international student inflow to Australian universities | [Abstract] |
Rashmi Watson | Engaging and supporting academic staff with teaching | [Abstract] |
Ramon Wenzel | The MOOC disruption: What are massive open online courses and why you should care? | [Abstract] |
Katharina Wolf & Catherine Archer | The key to productive online collaboration: Students' perspective on effective teamwork tools | [Abstract] |
Katharina Wolf & Catherine Archer | Managing ambiguity: A critical reflection on a truly global learning experience | [Abstract] [Research] |
Please cite as: TL Forum (2013). Design, develop, evaluate: The core of the learning environment. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Teaching Learning Forum, 7-8 February 2013. Perth: Murdoch University. |
Copyright 2013 Murdoch University. Copyrights in the individual articles in the Proceedings reside with the authors as noted in each article's footer lines.